sophia tweed ahmad

contact jam at SKC Studios
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would you like to share the dance?

photography by maddie kruse///////pictured: sophia & tallulah

            An immersive workshop grounded in sharing weight and caring for ourselves in community. This contact improvisation class allows students to investigate collective positive dependency and embrace creativity in their movement practice. Open to all levels of movers and dancers.

I facilitated between august 2021 - june 2022. the jam is now a open format with rotating facilitators.


“THANK YOU, Sophia, for launching this important opportunity at this beautiful venue at a time when we had all been long-starved of contact improv's many gifts, due to the life altering pandemic. Your gifts in facilitation and Shaun Keylock's supportive space came at the perfect time to baby step back into sharing space and weight and reverence. This jam really helped us find the collective spirit to restart contact improv communing, after the pandemic forced isolation and those who organized jams for us for so many years stepped away for various reasons. I really appreciate the efforts and joining back in of so many over this past year, that even kept introducing the form to new practitioners, too!” - Conseula LaBelle