sophia tweed ahmad
Movement & Vocals

Did you think you were alone?


Did you think you were alone?

is a interdisciplinary solo performance choreographed + performed by sophia tweed ahmad. 

Threaded stories of isolation, addiction, systemic pressure, violence, chaos, and rage, surrender to trembling hands, vocal exhaustion embedded with tense + expansive movements. An experiential reminder that we are never alone, always a collective. Amidst the waves, we will remember our interconnected nature.

Presented by Ten Tiny Dances®.

Ten Tiny Dances® is dance performance in confined space, which often incorporates movement-based theater and spoken word. It challenges artists to invent ways to respond to the possibilities of 16 sq. ft. It interrupts the usual expectations for dance vocabulary, performance, and viewing, and affects the way people move and are perceived in space.

“In this iteration, our 10 choreographers have listened to a dozen multi-generational Lents residents who shared their stories, experiences, and reflections about the last 18 months. They choreographed a Ten Tiny Dances® response to what they experienced through listening to these stories. In this way, artists, community members and audience alike have had the precious opportunity to share a diverse array of community-focused explorations of healing.”

  - Community Arts Healing Initiative x City of Portland 2021

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